
news/2024/7/12 3:20:37 标签: php, https, python, java, linux

Excuse me, my dearest reader for subjecting you to this (*cough vogon poetry*). My only excuse is it's Friday.

对不起,我最亲爱的读者使您受到了这一影响(*咳嗽vogon诗歌*)。 我唯一的借口是星期五。

So here comes another one of those. This time a coverlet (a whatlet?) of Stevie Ray Vaughan's Tin Pan Alley (The Roughest Place in Town). Tin Pan Alley sounds almost like Silicon (Silly Con?) Valley 🙂

所以在这里谈到另一个的那些。 这次是Stevie Ray Vaughan的《 Tin Pan Alley》 (镇上最粗糙的地方)的床罩(这是什么原因?)。 Tin Pan Alley听起来几乎像Silicon(Silly Con?)Valley🙂

Went down to Silicon Valley
To see what was goin' on
Things was too weird down there
Couldn't stay very long
  Hey hey hey hey,
  Valley's the roughest place I've ever been
  All the people down there
  Livin' for their stock options and their dental care

I heard a woman scream
When she saw her team
"It's just a bunch of nerds out there
and no one cares to wash their hair"
  Hey hey hey hey,
  Valley's the roughest place I've ever been
  All the people down there:
  CTOs and CEOs and dotcom billionaire

I heard a pistol shoot
Yeah and it was a .44
Oh wait - just some engineers killing time
on their PlayStation 4
  Hey hey hey hey,
  Valley's the roughest place I've ever been
  All the people down there
  Killin' for their options, perks and dental care

I see a VC standing
Checkbook in his hand
Gotta pitch him my idea now:
  Hey hey hey hey, 
  Valley's the roughest place I've ever seen
  Hope he funds me so I can rally
  My new team down the Silicon Valley


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翻译自: https://www.phpied.com/silicon-valley/




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