Audacity + Starcaster

news/2024/7/12 3:01:15 标签: java, ssl, https, php, 搜索引擎

(if you see this in a RSS reader, come to the page to hear the music)


(Now that I got this Starcaster and also completed the first 5 chapters of the new book) Yesterday, I was wondering how I can record some music, so I searched for open-source sound recorder and came across this beautiful application called Audacity (French word for "courage", didn't know it existed in English).

(现在,我有了这台Starcaster,并且还完成了新书的前5章。)昨天,我想知道如何录制音乐,因此我搜索了开源录音机,并遇到了一个名为Audacity (法语)的精美应用程序。表示“勇气”一词,但不知道它存在于英语中)。

Anyway, last time I've tried music editing software was yeeeears ago and they looked pretty intimidating. Audacity is nothing like this, it's so easy to get started. I just started the program, hit the big red "record" button and recorded away. Just as easy as Windows Sound Recorder. But! When I wasn't happy with what I recorder and hit "record" again, it played my previous junk but was recording on another track. How cool is that?! So easy to mix. Now I record something, then record again while listening with headphones to the previous thing.

无论如何,我上次尝试音乐编辑软件是在几年前,而且看起来非常吓人。 Audacity并非如此,它非常容易上手。 我刚启动程序,点击红色的大“记录”按钮,然后记录下来。 就像Windows录音机一样简单。 但! 当我对录制的内容不满意并再次点击“录制”时,它播放了我以前的垃圾,但正在另一首曲目上进行录制。 多么酷啊?! 如此容易混合。 现在,我录制一些东西,然后在用耳机收听前一件事的同时再次录制。

I don't have any special equipment, so I just use the laptop's built-in microphone. Since those microphones amplify and therefore distort, I do a little trick. I play load (take that, neighbors!) and set the microphone level in Audacity to almost zero. The result is not too shabby for an amateur recording if you ask me. I do have an amp, no bigger than any average self-respected Java book, it was in the same package with the guitar.

我没有任何特殊设备,所以我只使用笔记本电脑的内置麦克风。 由于这些麦克风会放大并因此变形,因此我做了一些技巧。 我播放负载(接住,邻居!),并将Audacity中的麦克风电平设置为几乎为零。 如果您问我,结果对于业余录音来说并不是太差劲。 我有一个耳放,不比任何一本自学的Java普通书都大,它与吉他放在同一包装中。

So here goes. My take on Stevie Ray Vaughan's take on Jimi Hendrix' Little Wing intro - about 40 seconds.

所以去。 我对Stevie Ray Vaughan的看法对Jimi Hendrix的Little Wing简介的看法-大约40秒。

Little Wing


Now if you feel brave, try the next piece. The theme is somewhat distantly loosely based on what I remember of a song called "Que Que Ha?" by Joe Pass. In this case I recorder the rhythm first then tried improvising some sort of a - for a lack of a better word, let's call it - solo on top. Didn't like the result, so tried again. Thought first time was definitely better. At this point the kids were finishing their bath so I had to forget about further recordings. Later on I tried playing both solos together - horrible, horrible idea. But then I moved (it's trivial with Audacity) the first solo to the left speaker and the second to the right. And here's the result. I suggest that if, for whatever unhealthy reason, you decide to listen to the next piece, do use the headphones. Otherwise it really is a handful, er, earful. Plus people around you will appreciate it, I assure you. Good luck!

现在,如果您感到勇敢,请尝试下一块。 根据我所记得的一首歌《 Que Que Ha?》,这个主题有些疏远。 通过乔•帕斯( Joe Pass) 。 在这种情况下,我首先录制节奏,然后尝试即兴创作某种-缺少一个更好的词,我们称之为“独奏”。 不喜欢结果,因此再次尝试。 认为第一次肯定更好。 此时孩子们已经洗完澡了,所以我不得不忘记进一步的录音了。 后来我尝试一起演奏两个独奏-可怕的想法。 但是后来我将第一个独奏移到了左扬声器,第二个移到了右(对Audacity来说是微不足道的)。 这就是结果。 我建议,如果出于任何不健康的原因,您决定听下一首歌,请使用耳机。 否则,确实很少。 另外,我向您保证,您周围的人都会很感激。 祝好运!

Que Que Ha?


Ah, yeah and the nice player you use to hear these MP3s is the Yahoo! Media Player, which you can integrate on every page.

嗯,是的,您用来收听这些MP3的最佳播放器是Yahoo!。 Media Player,您可以将其集成到每个页面上。

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