
news/2024/7/12 3:47:59 标签: curl, https, php, laravel, hash
https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/img_convert/4e57da8b0a9217bfec325a3817d82591.png" alt="车祸模拟器怎么慢动作" width="403px" height="256px" style="outline: none;" />


Crashed the car two days ago. The road was all ice, with just a bit of snow covering it. Raining, very cold, awful weather. I went out to return the books to the library and a DVD to the video store. Several times when I hit the breaks I felt that the tires are not rolling, that the car is just sliding. I even looked at the tires to see if there something wrong with them. All this to say I was extra careful and driving really slowly.

两天前撞车了。 道路全是冰,上面只有一点雪。 正在下雨,很冷,天气很糟。 我出去把书还给图书馆,把DVD还给音像店。 当我碰到几次休息时,我感到轮胎没有滚动,赛车只是在滑动。 我什至看着轮胎,看是否有问题。 这一切都说明我非常小心,而且开车真的很慢。

On my return, a block from my place I took a left turn. The car just didn't change direction at all, just kept straight. I was sliding. I released the break pedal, didn't help. For a millisecond I was just sliding, with no control over the vehicle, basically just sitting there like a passenger. I had time to see recent parts of my life running before my eyes ;), I thought about my two kids, I thought about my wife and the last thing I thought was something like "Looks like I'm gonna crash... can I be any dumber?".

回程时,我离开我的住所一个街区左转。 这辆车根本没有改变方向,只是保持了直线。 我在滑。 我松开刹车踏板,没有帮助。 一毫秒之内,我只是在滑动,无法控制车辆,基本上就像乘客一样坐在那里。 我有时间看到我生命中的最近部分;),我想到了两个孩子,想到了妻子,最后想到的是“看起来像我要崩溃了……可以我是任何笨?”。

...then I hit an electricity pole.


The whole situation happened so fast and I felt so, so stupid. I mean I had my winter tires on, I was extra careful, because I felt the road was slipperly, I was driving very slowly (fact is, the air bags didn't even deploy). Haven't been drinking or smoking or anything. And I was just a block from home...

整个情况发生得如此之快,我感到如此愚蠢。 我的意思是说我要穿冬季轮胎了,我要格外小心,因为我觉得路很滑,我开得很慢(事实是,安全气囊甚至没有展开)。 从未饮酒,吸烟或任何其他行为。 我离家只有一个街区...

Today my neighbour cheered me up: "Don't worry, there are only two types of cars - crashed cars and those that will crash" 😉


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翻译自: https://www.phpied.com/car-accident/




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