
news/2024/7/12 3:11:06 标签: php, python, https, javascript, ajax

Chapter 8 of the Object-Oriented JavaScript is available at the YUIblog.com. Enjoy!

YUIblog.com上提供了面向对象JavaScript的第8章。 请享用!

Chapter 2 is also available at the publisher's site.


Probably thanks to YUIBlog, the book was #7#6 in the JavaScript category on Amazon today, not bad. It's the highest I've seen it, not that I'm obsessed with checking sales rank. It's the journey, not the destination 🙂

也许要感谢YUIBlog,这本书#7 #6 今天在Amazon上的JavaScript类别中,还不错。 这是我所见过的最高水平,而不是我迷恋于检查销售排名。 这是旅程,而不是目的地🙂

Other than that.. pretty busy lately. Off to Boston for Ajax Experience next week, where I'll be giving 3 (three!) talks. Will have some good stuff to share after that - ppts and a new tool!

除此之外,..最近很忙。 下周前往波士顿进行Ajax体验,我将在这里进行3(三!)演讲。 之后,您将可以分享一些好东西-ppts和一个新工具!

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翻译自: https://www.phpied.com/oojs-book-free-chapter-8-on-yuiblog/



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