
news/2024/7/12 2:58:02 标签: java, python, https


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It was 2012 when I started my journey as a Product Owner. I wish I knew what a Product Owner meant; my life would have been easier. I could have avoided many problems. I experienced many failures, for example:

这是2012,当我开始我的旅程作为一个产品负责人。 我希望我知道产品负责人的意思; 我的生活会更轻松。 我本可以避免很多问题。 我经历了很多失败,例如:

  • Feature factory: delivering a bit of everything at the end of the Sprint, but nothing meaningful.

    功能工厂 :在Sprint结束时交付所有内容,但没有任何意义。

  • Misunderstanding of value: pleasing stakeholders or increasing velocity, which has nothing to do with value.

    对价值的误解 取悦利益相关者或提高速度,与价值无关。

  • Focusing on solutions: by not understanding the problems, we ended up building products nobody wanted.

    专注于解决方案 :由于不了解问题,我们最终开发出了没人想要的产品。

  • Lack of focus: by saying yes to many wishes, we have no space to focus on what matters.

    缺乏重点 :对许多愿望说“是”,我们就没有空间专注于重要的事情。

您确定要成为产品负责人吗? (Are you sure you want to be a Product Owner?)

If you want to be a Product Owner, you should understand what waits for you. Let’s say that being a Product Owner is never dull. There’s always something going on.

如果您想成为产品负责人,则应该了解等待的内容。 假设成为产品负责人绝不会无聊。 总有事情发生。

To thrive as a Product Owner, you should have some specific traits. Let’s evaluate them. How would you answer the following question?

要成为产品负责人,您应该具有一些特定的特征。 让我们对其进行评估。 您将如何回答以下问题?

  • Do you enjoy talking to many people every day?


  • Are you ready to often have conflicts?


  • Do you enjoy leading meetings?


  • Do you listen more than you talk?


  • Are you good at negotiating?


  • Are you ready to make decisions at any time?


If you’ve answered yes to all questions, being a Product Owner is going to be an astonishing journey for you. But if you’ve answered no to any of the questions, then you should be prepared to move out of your comfort zone to be a successful Product Owner.

如果您对所有问题的回答都是“ 是” ,那么成为产品负责人将是您的惊人旅程。 但是,如果您对任何一个问题的回答都是“ ”,那么您应该准备离开舒适地带,成为一名成功的产品负责人。

In case you want to understand some theory about what a Product Owner is, then you can get it from the Scrum Guide. I also wrote some articles about why Product Owners fail and what skills should a PO have, have a look if you want to go deeper into this role.

如果您想了解有关产品负责人的一些理论,则可以从Scrum Guide中获得它。 我还写了一些有关产品负责人为何失败以及采购专员应具备哪些技能的文章,如果您想更深入地了解该角色,请看看。

您喜欢每天和很多人聊天吗? (Do you enjoy talking to many people every day?)

If you have chosen to become a Product Owner, be ready to talk to a lot of people in many different contexts. Communication is vital to thrive as a Product Owner. Otherwise, it is not possible to uncover the problems. Let’s explore some communication examples:

如果您选择成为产品负责人,请准备在许多不同背景下与很多人交谈。 沟通对于成为产品负责人至关重要。 否则,将无法发现问题。 让我们探讨一些交流示例:

  • Sponsor: provide the why, the goals and the budget. Product Owners should have crystal clear alignment with the Sponsor. Otherwise, critical misunderstandings will happen.

    赞助者 :提供原因 ,目标和预算。 产品负责人应与赞助商保持明确的一致性。 否则,将会发生严重的误解。

  • Customers: what pains, wishes, and expectations do they have? How can Product Owners help them to have a better life?

    客户 :他们有什么痛苦,希望和期望? 产品负责人如何帮助他们过上更好的生活?

  • Developers: with them, Product Owners explain the problems they want to solve, and why it is important. But be careful! Product Owners are responsible for Why and What, while the Development Team takes care of How.

    开发人员 :产品负责人与他们一起解释他们要解决的问题以及其重要性。 但小心点! 产品负责人负责WhyWhat ,而开发团队负责处理How

  • Scrum Master: together with them, Product Owner are the servant leaders for the Team. Product Owner and Scrum Master collaborate to ensure we get the benefits of Scrum so that no watered version of Scrum is holding the Team from succeeding.

    Scrum Master :与产品负责人一起,他们是团队的仆人领导 。 产品负责人和Scrum Master协作以确保我们获得Scrum的好处,因此没有浇水版本的Scrum会使团队无法成功。

  • UX & UI: understanding the customers and their problems requires deep collaboration among UX, UI, and Product Owner. Otherwise, a product that nobody loves can become a reality.

    用户体验和用户界面 :要了解客户及其问题,需要用户体验,用户界面和产品所有者之间的深入合作。 否则,没有人喜欢的产品将成为现实。

  • C-Level: Product Owners are often in exchange with the highest level of the company, where there’s no room for doubts. However, great Product Owners are brave, which means they challenge the C-Level whenever needed to ensure the best outcome for the product.

    C级 :产品负责人通常会与公司的最高级别交换意见,在这里毫无疑问。 但是,出色的产品负责人很勇敢,这意味着他们在需要时就挑战C级,以确保产品达到最佳效果。

PS: the list may be bigger, but I think you get the idea.


A person must excel in communication to be a successful Product Owner. A considerable challenge is understanding how to give the correct message to the right audience at the adequate moment within the proper format. But being a Product Owner, it is a daily task.

一个人必须具有出色的沟通才能成为成功的产品负责人。 一个巨大的挑战是理解如何在适当的时间以适当的格式向正确的受众传达正确的信息。 但是作为产品负责人,这是日常工作。

您准备好经常发生冲突了吗? (Are you ready to often have conflicts?)

Imagine you going into conflict daily. Sometimes Developers will challenge you, sometimes you and the CEO will have different points of view; many times, stakeholders will try to push you to deliver what they want. How comfortable would you feel in such scenarios?

想象一下您每天都陷入冲突。 有时开发人员会挑战您,有时您和首席执行官会有不同的观点。 很多时候,利益相关者会试图促使您交付他们想要的东西。 在这种情况下,您会感觉如何?

The truth is that the life of a Product Owner is a constant conflict of dealing with people that have different interests. Without that, we cannot achieve anything valuable, and the role would be boring.

事实是,产品负责人的生活是与有不同兴趣的人打交道的一种持续冲突。 没有这些,我们将无法取得任何有价值的东西,而且作用将是无聊的。

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Photo by Edvin Johansson on Unsplash
埃德文·约翰森 ( Edvin Johansson)在 Unsplash上 拍摄的照片

As Product Owners, we want the best for the customers. Therefore, conflicts are inevitable. We can only find delightful solutions in a collaborative way, which means expressing opinions openly, and people share different perspectives, which leads to conflict.

作为产品负责人,我们希望为客户提供最好的服务。 因此,冲突是不可避免的。 我们只能以协作的方式找到令人愉悦的解决方案,这意味着要公开表达意见,并且人们会有不同的见解,从而导致冲突。

“Fear of Conflict -Teams that trust each other are not afraid to engage in passionate dialogue around issues and decisions that are key to the organization’s success. They do not hesitate to disagree with, challenge, and question one another, all in the spirit of finding the best answers, discovering the truth, and making great decisions.”

害怕冲突-彼此信任的团队不惧怕就组织成功的关键问题和决策进行热情的对话。 他们本着寻找最佳答案,发现真相并做出重大决定的精神,毫不犹豫地不同意,挑战和质疑彼此。”

— Patrick Lencioni, The 5 Dysfunctions of a team

— Patrick Lencioni, 团队的五个功能障碍

Now let me give you some conflicts you will face always:


  • Challenging stakeholders: they generally have a vast wish list. Therefore, Product Owners need to decide what matters for the customers, which means challenging the stakeholders. I’m afraid to tell that people hate being challenged, though Product Owners have to do it. Yet, challenging is not the hardest part, preserving the relationship with them is. Product Owners will need to continue working with them to be successful.

    具有挑战性的利益相关者 :他们通常有大量的愿望清单。 因此,产品负责人需要决定对客户重要的事情,这意味着要挑战利益相关者。 尽管产品负责人必须这样做,但我害怕告诉人们人们讨厌受到挑战。 然而,挑战并不是最困难的部分,保持与他们的关系是最困难的。 产品负责人将需要继续与他们合作才能取得成功。

Once a Senior Manager told me: “I don’t want to explain, I want that done, that’s it. I am an executive, and I know what we need.” I told him, “If we don’t understand the reason behind it, we cannot move forward,” after that he decided to share the motivation. We could find a better alternative to solve the problem, which was different than the initial suggestions. Without conflict, we would have built something meaningless.

一位高级经理告诉我:“ 我不想解释,我想要做到,就是这样。 我是高管,我知道我们需要什么。” 我告诉他:“如果我们不了解其背后的原因,我们将无法前进。”之后,他决定分享自己的动机。 我们可以找到更好的替代方法来解决该问题,这与最初的建议不同。 没有冲突,我们将建立起毫无意义的东西。

  • Challenging tech leads: this is polemic, but be ready to understand the boundaries. Tech leads will ask you to prioritize technical topics. Product Owners need to evaluate why it is crucial for the business, what happens if that doesn’t become a priority? Long-story-short, you need to have in-depth talks about finding the balance between business and tech.

    具有挑战性的技术领先者 :这是争论性的,但请准备好了解界限。 技术负责人会要求您确定技术主题的优先级。 产品负责人需要评估它对业务至关重要的原因,如果不优先考虑该怎么办? 长话短说,您需要深入探讨如何在业务和技术之间找到平衡。

  • Good enough: when is the product ready to go? What is good enough, well UX, UI, Dev Team may share different opinions. So welcome to one more conflict, the decision belongs to the Product Owner, but you need to be able to get the view of everyone and make the decision that’s best for the product.

    足够好 :产品何时准备就绪? 足够好了,UX,UI和开发团队可能会分享不同的意见。 因此,欢迎再次发生冲突,该决定属于产品负责人,但是您需要能够征求所有人的意见,并做出最适合该产品的决定。

  • Top-down: a typical situation is, someone will come to you and demand to do something now because it is “urgent,”high priority.” No matter who you are talking to, you should challenge, because you own the vision of the product. A Product Owner is the value maximizer.

    自上而下 :一个典型的情况是,会有人来找你,需要做一些事情,因为现在是“ 急”,“ 高优先级”。 无论与谁交谈,都应挑战自己,因为您拥有产品的愿景。 产品负责人是价值最大化者。

I think you can understand that the life of a PO is never boring. Conflicts are not harmful. They happen because people share different perspectives. However, without them, we cannot uncover the hidden opportunities.

我想您可以理解,PO的寿命永远不会枯燥。 冲突不是有害的。 之所以会发生,是因为人们有不同的看法。 但是,没有它们,我们将无法发现隐藏的机会。

你喜欢主持会议吗? (Do you enjoy leading meetings?)

Product Owners are often in meetings, most probably every day. In most of the sessions, Product Owners moderate the interaction. If you want to be in this role, you will need to feel comfortable continually being in meetings, because that is the life of a Product Owner.

产品负责人经常参加会议,很可能每天都有。 在大多数会议中,产品负责人主持互动。 如果您想担任这个角色,您将需要不断参加会议而感到自在,因为那是产品负责人的生活。

When it comes to meetings, you will need to be careful to define:


  • Which meetings to accept: you will be invited to numerous meetings, it is your responsibility to identify which to go and which not to go, you should have a clear priority clear, or you will end up living in meetings.

    接受其会议 :你将被邀请到无数次的会议,这是你的责任,以确定哪些去和不去 ,你应该有一个明确的优先清除,否则你最终将生活在开会。

  • Who should be part of the meeting: once you are organizing meetings, you need to ensure only the right people are there. Ensure that you are not wasting the other time. A common mistake is over inviting people and having a meeting resulting in another meeting, because no decision was made.

    谁应该参加会议 :组织会议后,您需要确保只有合适的人参加。 确保您没有浪费其他时间。 一个常见的错误是邀请人们参加会议并导致另一个会议,因为没有做出决定。

  • What should be decided during the meeting: Product Owners must prepare for the meeting, sending a blank invitation is not an option. We need to plan the meeting with the end in mind, meaning that we imagine the outcome and prepare the agenda from there.

    会议期间应做出的决定:产品负责人必须为会议做准备,发送空白邀请不是一种选择。 我们需要牢记最终目的来计划会议,这意味着我们可以想象结果并从那里准备议程。

“The hard truth is, bad meetings almost always lead to bad decisions, which is the best recipe for mediocrity.”― Patrick Lencioni, Death by Meeting

帕特里克伦乔尼, - “不争的事实是,糟糕的会议几乎总是导致错误的决定,这是平庸的最好良方。” 通过会议死亡

Meetings are part of a PO's daily lifehttps://miro.medium.com/max/9999/0*9v6KAokCISSY3Ibm" width="6000" height="4000" style="outline: none;" />
Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash
广告系列创作者在 Unsplash上 摄

Here are some meetings you will be leading as a Product Owner:


  • Product Backlog Refinement: the Product Owner presents the problems to solve, and makes sure they are written down. The Product Owner collaborates with the Development Team to refine the PBIs, so they are Sprint-sized.

    产品积压细化 :产品负责人提出要解决的问题,并确保将其写下来。 产品负责人与开发团队合作完善PBI,因此它们是Sprint大小的。

  • Sprint Planning: as a Product Owner, you should collaborate with the Scrum Team to define the Sprint Goal. Then the Scrum Team agrees on the commitment for the Sprint.

    Sprint计划 :作为产品负责人,您应该与Scrum团队合作以定义Sprint目标 。 然后,Scrum团队同意对Sprint的承诺。

  • Brainstorming: there will be plenty of opportunities for you to ideate and explore new perspectives. Brainstorming is one technique that you may want to use to get as many ideas as possible.

    头脑风暴 :您将有很多机会来构思和探索新的观点。 头脑风暴是一种您可能想用来获得尽可能多的想法的技术。

  • User Story Mapping: once you are building a new product, it is handy to think from the customer journey’s perspective and then be able to define what should be part of the product. After that, you can determine the releases.

    用户故事映射 :构建新产品后,从客户旅程的角度进行思考,然后能够定义应包含在产品中的内容非常方便。 之后,您可以确定发行版本。

These are only some examples, just to name a few.


你听的比说话多吗? (Do you listen more than you talk?)

At this point in the article, you understand that a Product Owner has many interactions with many different people. One crucial question is: are you a good listener? Being a Product Owner, you need to listen way more than you speak.

在本文的这一点上,您已经了解到产品负责人与许多不同的人有很多互动。 一个关键的问题是: 您是一个好听众吗? 作为产品负责人,您需要听的不仅仅是说话。

I’ve learned that over my journey the hard, I failed many times due to making conclusions faster than I should. The results improved once I enhanced the way I ask questions. Product Owners should aim to discover hidden gems instead of making premature conclusions. Some examples are:

我了解到,在艰苦的旅途中,由于得出结论的速度比我应有的快,所以我失败了很多次。 一旦我提高了提问的方式,结果就会得到改善。 产品负责人应着眼于发现隐藏的宝石,而不是得出过早的结论。 一些例子是:

  • Why something is impossible: many times the Development Team will say “this is simply impossible,” it is your role to understand more about this, by asking opening questions you will find the reason that makes that impossible, e.g., you can ask “what can we do to make it possible?”, “what are the obstacles that lead you to this conclusion?”. Impossible is only a perception. It can change.

    为什么事情是不可能的 :很多时候开发团队会说:“ 这是根本不可能的,”这是你要了解更多关于这一点,通过询问开放问题的角色,你会发现,品牌是不可能的,比如,你可以问“的原因是什么我们能做些什么来使它成为可能?” ,“ 导致您得出此结论的障碍是什么?” 。 不可能只是一种看法。 它可以改变。

  • What are real needs from the customers: wishes are present in abundance. But what do customers need? The actual pains are not simple to find, but asking investigating questions put you closer to the real problem, e.g., “What benefits would you expect from this feature?”, “What are the problems you want to solve with this?”

    客户的真正需求是什么 :愿望大量存在。 但是客户需要什么呢? 找出真正的难题并不容易,但是问一些调查问题使您更接近实际问题,例如,“ 您将从此功能中获得什么好处?” ,“ 您要解决的问题是什么?”

  • Why something is “urgent”: people may panic once problems appear, then they say, “This is urgent, we must fix it.” If you always take that to be the truth, then be prepared to be a firefighter instead of a Product Owner. By asking challenging questions, you may get to the bottom line, e.g., “why is that urgent in your perspective?”, “What would happen if we don’t do anything?”

    为什么有些事情“紧急” :一旦问题出现,人们可能会感到恐慌,然后他们说:“ 这很紧急,我们必须解决它。” 如果您始终以事实为准,那么就准备当消防员,而不是产品负责人。 通过提出具有挑战性的问题,您可能会找到底线,例如,“ 为什么在您看来如此紧急?” ,“ 如果我们什么都不做会怎样?”

Powerful questions bring an excellent opportunity to listen more than we speak. If you don’t do that, you should start doing if you want to be a Product Owner.

强有力的问题为您提供了一个倾听更多声音的绝好机会。 如果您不这样做,那么如果您想成为产品负责人,就应该开始做。

你擅长谈判吗? (Are you good at negotiating?)

I guess you already noticed negotiation is part of a Product Owners’ life. So if you don’t love negotiating, you are going to have some tough moments as a Product Owner.

我想您已经注意到谈判是产品所有者生活的一部分。 因此,如果您不喜欢谈判,作为产品负责人,您将遇到一些艰难的时刻。

negotiation is part of the Product Owner daily lifehttps://miro.medium.com/max/9999/0*NVnjKhkLb5ux6Zsq" width="5184" height="3456" style="outline: none;" />
Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash
NeONBRAND在 Unsplash上 拍摄的照片

First of all, you need to understand that negotiating doesn’t mean that your view needs to win. The goal is to get the best for the product. Collaboration is vital. Therefore, negotiate in a way you collaborate with everyone and build ideas on top of the others. Don’t fall into the pitfall of negotiating to win because the results will be sub-optimal.

首先,您需要了解谈判并不意味着您的观点需要获胜。 目标是为产品获得最佳。 协作至关重要。 因此,以一种与每个人合作的方式进行谈判,并在其他人之上建立想法。 不要陷入谈判取胜的陷阱,因为结果将是次优的。

Let’s explore some scenarios where The Product Owner has to negotiate.


  • Product Backlog refinement: once the Scrum Team is refining the PBIs, the Product Owner will have to negotiate with the Development Team. Many times they will bring challenges, for example, saying they don’t want to do something. That can happen because the Team believes it is dangerous for the health of the product. Therefore, the Product Owner needs to negotiate with them to find alternatives.

    产品待办事项列表的完善 :一旦Scrum团队完善了PBI,产品所有者将必须与开发团队进行谈判。 他们常常会带来挑战,例如说他们不想做某事。 之所以会这样,是因为团队认为这对产品的健康有害。 因此,产品负责人需要与他们协商以寻找替代方案。

  • Roadmap planning: whenever the Product Owner is planning what will fit the roadmap, many topics will be on the table. Everyone wants something prioritized, but capacity limits the possibilities. This means the Product Owner needs to negotiate and find a commitment with everyone. In short, the Product Owner will need to listen to everyone and negotiate what is in and what is out.

    路线图规划 :每当产品负责人规划适合路线图的内容时,就会出现许多主题。 每个人都希望获得优先考虑,但能力限制了可能性。 这意味着产品负责人需要与每个人进行谈判并寻求承诺。 简而言之,产品负责人将需要倾听每个人的意见,并讨论其中的内容和内容。

  • Tech tasks: the development team will ask the Product Owner for refactoring, updates, researches, if you say yes to all of that, then you don’t deliver anything to the business, but if you say no to all of them, the Team will feel demotivated. Therefore, you need to negotiate until you find a balance, the Team needs to feel heard, and you need to agree with them what is the best for the product.

    技术任务 :开发团队将要求产品负责人进行重构,更新,研究,如果您对所有这些都说“ 是” ,那么您将不会为业务提供任何东西,但是如果您对所有这些都说 ,则该团队会感到沮丧。 因此,您需要进行协商,直到找到平衡,团队需要感受到自己的声音,并且需要与他们达成共识,以使产品最适合自己。

There will be many moments of negotiation. The good news is there are a lot of techniques which you can learn. I would suggest you to read the following articles:

会有很多谈判的时刻。 好消息是,您可以学习很多技术。 我建议您阅读以下文章:

  • This FBI hostage tactic makes you a better leader


  • The greatest negotiation tactics I’ve ever seen: in practice


您准备好随时进行决策了吗? (Are you ready to make decisions at any time?)

One of the most challenging aspects of being a Product Owner is that you must always be ready to make a decision. Product Owners make decisions daily, some are simple, and some are tough. An excellent Product Owner is great at making decisions.

成为产品负责人最具挑战性的方面之一是,您必须时刻准备着做出决定。 产品负责人每天都要做出决定,有些很简单,有些很艰难。 优秀的产品负责人非常擅长决策。

It is better to make a wrong decision than build up a habit of indecision. If you’re wallowing in indecision, you certainty can’t act — and action is the basis of success.” … Had we thought too much about it, we would never have made the decision to move forward and set about creating change.

做出错误的决定比养成犹豫不决的习惯要好。 如果您犹豫不决,那么确定性就无法采取行动,而行动是成功的基础。” ……如果我们对此考虑得太多,我们将永远不会做出前进的决定并着手创造变革。

— Richard Branson

— 理查德·布兰森

Here are some decisions Product Owners need to make:


  • Release plan: the Development Team, as well as the business, expect you to define the release process, how often should that happen, when the product goes live? Who communicates what until when?

    发布计划 :开发团队以及业务部门都希望您定义发布过程,产品上线时应该多久执行一次? 谁在什么时候传达什么?

  • Development alternatives: many times, the Development Team finds multiple options for a given feature. Then they and ask the Product Owner, “Which way should we go?” until the Product Owner doesn’t decide, the Team will not move, because they expect the Product Owner to take ownership of it.

    开发替代方案 :开发团队通常会为给定功能找到多个选项。 然后他们问产品负责人,“ 我们应该走哪条路?” 在产品负责人没有决定之前,团队将不会移动,因为他们希望产品负责人对此拥有所有权。

  • What is a priority: among a massive list of product backlog items, what is a priority at the end? The Product Owner needs to lead the Development Team to maximize the value of the business.

    优先级是什么 :在大量产品待办事项列表中,最后优先级是什么? 产品负责人需要领导开发团队,以最大限度地提高业务价值。

  • When the feature is ready to go: the development team will present the result of their work. The Product Owner decides when it is ready to be released, the Definitions of Done may help on that.

    当功能准备就绪时 :开发团队将介绍其工作结果。 产品负责人决定何时准备发布产品,“完成的定义”可能对此有所帮助。

尾注 (Endnote)

My journey as a Product Owner started in 2012. It’s been quite a lot of learning. Until now, I learn something new every day. For me, it’s quite motivating being a Product Owner. It’s a passion, not a job. To become a thriving Product Owner, a person needs to:

我作为产品负责人的旅程始于2012年。学习了很多东西。 直到现在,我每天都在学习新知识。 对我来说,成为产品负责人非常有动力。 这是一种激情,而不是工作。 要成为蓬勃发展的产品所有者,一个人需要:

  • Be an excellent communicator.

  • Know how to prioritize what matters.

  • Set clear expectations with everyone.

  • Understand to negotiate through collaboration.

  • Be a great listener.

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翻译自: https://medium.com/serious-scrum/do-you-want-to-be-a-product-owner-you-better-know-what-awaits-b5140eead4d1






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